The side of my neighbor's swing set creates the perfect letter A.


Almost any pair of glasses can create the letter B.


The handle on this drawer flipped 90 degrees forms a letter C.


A letter D created by the handle on a coffee mug.


I found uppercase E's in the tail light of a Honda Pilot and an unnecessary lock my dad put on our basement door.


Surprisingly one of the last letters I found was an F. I was having trouble finding it without having to crop anything. One day while walking through my back door I realized the bricks holding up a shelf over our fireplace formed an interesting F shape.


The carved out space at the bottom of this wooden lamp post reminded me of a G.


H was among the most common letterform I could find. Almost every window and door I saw I could see an H. The dumpster outside of this house down the street also held a very convincing H.


The light reflector in my crazy neighbor's lawn can represent a lowercase I.


It's a bit hard to see since this picture was taken from a moving car, but the power lines loop up near the bottom of the pole and create a J shape.


If taken at a 45 degree angle, I felt that the design on this tapestry looked like a K.


One of my favorite letters I found was an uppercase L in the negative space of the back of this chair.


If cropped correctly, the design under this coffee table forms a lowercase M.


Although a few different letters could be found in the fabric on this chair (W,V,X, etc.), I thought it best formed an uppercase N.


The letter O was probably the easiest letter to find for me. Here I used a coaster and a subwoofer.


The last letter I found, P.


I thought Q would be the hardest letter to find, but it was actually my second or third. The first picture is just an overhead view of a coffee mug and the second picture is from metal in my front door.


One of the more troublesome letters for me to find was R. I was going to use the scissors for P, but I realized I could make it an R by opening them up.


An S found in a metal wall decoration


A lowercase T found on all of the doors in my house.


The shape of a U found in some PVC pipes.


A V found on the collar of a typical blazer.


The most convincing W I could find on the top of a mirror.


I found an X on the back of our kitchen chairs, and on a porch from a house near my work.


My crutches I used for a recent surgery can easily represent a Y.


I found this on some old work out equipment in my basement. Taken from this angle it reminded me of Z.